Reviewed November 2022 (JM/1)
Virtual Assistant Agreement
This is an agreement between Kerry Lummus operating as Lummus Virtual Solutions (Hereafter referred
to as the Virtual Assistant) and [Client’s name], [Client’s business] (Hereafter referred to as the Client)
(each a “Party” and collectively the “Parties”).
1. Acceptance of Agreement. The Client agrees to the terms and conditions outlined in this
Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire and only agreement between the Virtual
Assistant and the Client, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements,
representations, warranties and understandings with respect to the Virtual Assistant and Client
relationship, the content, products or services provided by us and the subject matter of this
1.1 Signature. A virtual signature may be used and recognised.
2. Engagement. The Virtual Assistant agrees to perform tasks and related services to and for the
Client (the “Services”) as may be requested from time to time by the Client, including, but not
limited to, the services specified on Exhibit A, or any subsequent Exhibits, to this Agreement (each
a “Statement of Work”), in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth therein and in this
3. Fees. As consideration for the Services to be provided by the Virtual Assistant and other
obligations, the Client shall pay to the Virtual Assistant the amounts specified in the Statement of
3.1. Expenses. The Virtual Assistant shall bill and the Client shall reimburse the Virtual
Assistant for all reasonable and pre-approved out-of-pocket expenses that are incurred in
connection with the performance of the Services.
3.2 Invoicing. [The Virtual Assistant will bill the Client in advance of the execution of the
Services specified in the Statement of Work.] OR [The Virtual Assistant will bill the Client
after the execution of the Services specified in the Statement of Work.] OR [The Virtual
Assistant will bill the Client [after/before] the execution of the below specified Services also
included in the Statement of Work.] OR [The Virtual Assistant will bill the Client every
month-end during which work has taken place.] Payment terms are 14 days.
Reviewed November 2022 (JM/1)
3.3 Late payments. Payments not received by the due date will result in work cessation. The
Virtual Assistant reserves the right to refuse completion or delivery of work until past due
balances are paid. All materials or property belonging to the Client, as well as work
performed, may be retained as security until all just claims against the Client are satisfied.
3.2. Interest on late payments. In the event the Client fails to remit payment of any amount
due under this Agreement on or before the due date, in addition to any other rights the
Virtual Assistant may have hereunder, the payment will accrue interest from that date due
at the annual rate of 8% plus the current Bank of England base rate, accruing on a daily
basis and being compounded quarterly until payment is made, whether before or after any
judgement and the Client shall pay the interest immediately on demand.
3.4 In the event of collection enforcement, the Client shall be liable for any costs associated
with such collection, including, but not limited to, legal costs, attorney’s fees, courts costs,
and collection agency fees.
4. Term of Agreement. The Virtual Assistant shall provide, with reasonable care and skill, and
otherwise in the manner customarily performed by service providers in the Virtual Service industry,
services to the Client for a period of [start date] through to but not exceeding [end date]. OR The
Virtual Assistant will provide services to the Client on an ongoing basis starting from start date].
4.1 Early Termination. Either Party may terminate this Agreement:
4.1.1 Immediately in the event that either Party breaches this Agreement; or
4.1.2 At any time upon xx hours’/days’ written notice to the following email address:
4.2 Payment upon early Termination. In the event of such termination, the Virtual Assistant
shall be paid for any portion of the Services that have been performed prior to the
termination in accordance with the Statement of Work.
5. Statement of Work. The Statement of Work and the obligations thereunder shall terminate upon
the Client’s acceptance of all Services and Work Product contemplated therein and full payment to
the Virtual Assistant thereunder. The Parties may enter into any subsequent Statement of Work for
additional Services to be performed by the Virtual Assistant which shall be subject to the terms of
this Agreement, unless otherwise specified. The additional Services will be agreed in subsequent
email correspondence between the Parties.
6. Changes to the Services. Any material changes to the Services, including the schedule,
deliverables, and related fees, must be approved by the prior written consent of the Party not
requesting the change.
7. Subcontracting. In the performance of its obligations hereunder, the Virtual Assistant shall have
the right, in its sole discretion, to assign, transfer, charge, delegate or subcontract its rights and
responsibilities to any third party, provided that the Virtual Assistant shall remain responsible for
the performance of any such third party. The Client shall not, without the Virtual Assistant’s prior
written consent, assign or transfer in any other manner with all or any of the Client’s rights or
obligations under the Agreement. Furthermore, all subcontractors are contracted to work with
Reviewed November 2022 (JM/1)
Lummus Virtual Solutions and may not be contacted to work directly with the Client within one year
of this contract ending.
8. Location of Service Performance. Services shall be performed and provided virtually via email,
fax, phone or other virtual means from the Virtual Assistant’s location in Nottinghamshire, United
9. Office Hours and Communication. Office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 5:00
pm. Email (or other electronic means) is to be the primary form of communication between the
Client and Service Provider. The Virtual Assistant is available for phone calls during office hours
only. Occasional calls of only a few minutes in duration are not typically billed to the Client.
However, the time of both parties must be respected, and calls or any lasting over 10 minutes will
be billed to the Client. Telephone meetings must be prescheduled. Cancellation requires a
minimum of 24-hour advance notice. Missed meetings or cancellations without sufficient notice will
be billed to the Client.
If the Client requests Services outside of the above specified hours, the Virtual Assistant reserves
the right to charge an additional 50% of the fees.
10. Materials and Information. The Client will provide all content, outlines, photos, product images,
etc., necessary for any special projects. Source material must be clear and legible. The Client is
responsible for furnishing all pertinent information, and for furnishing accurate, truthful and
complete information necessary for the Virtual Assistant to perform or complete the Services. The
Client ensures that the necessary permissions to use provided materials have been obtained.
11. Data Privacy and Compliance. Both Parties hereby ensure that they are in full compliance with
their respective obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018, and the UK General Data
Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). Each Party will, if applicable, notify the other Party in a timely
manner in the event of a data breach that involves the other Party’s data.
The Virtual Assistant will process the following personal data on behalf of the Client during the
times and for the purposes specified below:
12. Independent Contractor Relationship. The Virtual Assistant's relationship to the Client shall be
that of an independent contractor. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create any
partnership, joint venture, employer-employee or agency relationship between Client and Virtual
Assistant. The Virtual Assistant shall not represent to any third party that any such relationship
exists. The contractual relationship shall be non-exclusive. The Virtual Assistant shall be free to
work with other companies so long as such work does not present a conflict of interest with regards
to this Agreement or result in the disclosure of Confidential Information (defined below).
13. Ownership. All processes, methods, inventions, improvements, ideas, and other forms of
intellectual property that the Virtual Assistant conceives, reduces to practice or develops during the
term of the Agreement, alone or in conjunction with others, in connection with performance of the
Services, including designs, data, software code, ideas, inventions, know-how, materials, marks,
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methods, procedures, tools, interfaces, and other forms of technology as well as any intellectual
property rights of any kind therein (collectively, the “Work Process”), will be the sole and exclusive
property of the Virtual Assistant.
All deliverables and works of authorship that the Virtual Assistant conceives, reduces to practice or
develops during the term of the Agreement, alone or in conjunction with others, in connection with
performance of the Services, including designs, data, software code, ideas, inventions, know-how,
materials, marks, methods, procedures, tools, interfaces, and other forms of technology as well as
any intellectual property rights of any kind therein (collectively, the “Work Product”), will be the sole
and exclusive property of the Client. The Virtual Assistant hereby irrevocably assigns to the Client
all right, title and interest worldwide in and to the Work Product and all intellectual property rights
14. Confidentiality. The Virtual Assistant may obtain access to information related to Client’s
business (including trade secrets, technical information, business forecasts and strategies,
marketing plans, customer and supplier lists, personnel information, financial data, and proprietary
information of third parties provided to the Client in confidence) that the Client considers to be
confidential or proprietary or the Client has a duty to treat as confidential. The Virtual Assistant will,
unless having the written consent of the Client, (a) hold all Confidential Information in strict trust
and confidence; (b) not use or permit others to use Confidential Information in any manner or for
any purpose not expressly permitted or required by this Agreement; and (c) not disclose or permit
others to disclose any Confidential Information to any third party without obtaining the Client’s
express prior written consent on a case-by-case basis.
14.1. Exceptions. The Virtual Assistant's obligations with respect to any portion of the Client
Information as set forth above shall not apply when Virtual Assistant can document that (i) it
was in the public domain at the time it was communicated to the Virtual Assistant by the
Client; (ii) it entered the public domain subsequent to the time it was communicated to the
Virtual Assistant by the Client through no fault of the Virtual Assistant; (iii) it was in the
Virtual Assistant's possession free of any obligation of confidence at the time it was
communicated to the Virtual Assistant by the Client; or (iv) it was rightfully communicated to
the Virtual Assistant free of any obligation of confidence subsequent to the time it was
communicated to the Virtual Assistant by the Client.
14.2. Passwords. Should the Client decide to grant the Virtual Assistant access the Client’s
business and/or personal accounts, the Client does so entirely at their own risk, and the
Client is fully responsible for ensuring the security of the Client’s data. The Client will be
solely responsible for any loss, liability or violations that might occur as a result of such
access as long as any such loss can be directly tied to the work carried out under this
15. Indemnification. Both parties agree to defend, protect, indemnify and hold one another harmless
from any and all lawsuits, claims, damages, demands, liabilities or losses, including reasonable
attorney fees and costs, brought, made or claimed as a result of any acts, including omissions,
which are not outlined in this agreement.
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16. Warranties and Representations. Each Party hereby warrants and represents that such Party is
free to enter into this Agreement, and that this Agreement does not violate the terms of any
agreement between such Party and any third party.
17. Limitation of Liability. In no event will the Virtual Assistant be liable for any consequential,
indirect, exemplary, special, or incidental damages arising from or relating to this Agreement. The
Virtual Assistant’s total cumulative liability in connection with this Agreement, whether in contract or
tort or otherwise, will not exceed the aggregate amount of Fees owed by the Client to the Virtual
Assistant for Services performed under this Agreement during the 12 months preceding any
settlement or adjudication of any claim.
17.1. Insurance. Both parties affirm that the appropriate insurance coverage with regards to the
Services agreed upon has been obtained.
18. Work Product Conformity. The Virtual Assistant further warrants that the Work Product will fully
conform to the specifications, requirements and other terms set forth in this Agreement (the
“Specifications”) and the attached Exhibit A. If the Client determines in its sole discretion that the
Work Product does not conform to the Specifications, the Client shall inform the Virtual Assistant,
within 3 working days of the Work Product delivery, of such nonconformity and the Virtual Assistant
will repair or replace the Work Product without extra charge. If the Client does not voice any
concerns within 3 working days, the Virtual Assistant is not obligated to do any remedial work free
of charge. If the Client’s request goes beyond the Specifications, the request will not be considered
a remedial request and the Virtual Assistant will inform and bill the Client with regards to the
requested changes.
19. Amendments and Waivers. Any term of this Agreement may be amended or waived only with the
written consent of both Parties.
20. Force Majeure. The Virtual Assistant shall not be considered in breach of this Agreement to the
extent that performance of the obligations outlined herein is prevented by an event of Force
Majeure, including but not limited to:
20.1. natural disasters (such as, but not limited to, fires, explosions, earthquakes, drought, tidal
waves and floods);
20.2. war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies,
mobilisation, requisition, or embargo;
20.3. rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power, or civil war;
20.4. contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel, or from any nuclear waste from the
combustion of nuclear fuel, radioactive toxic explosive, or other hazardous properties of any
explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component of such assembly;
20.5. riot, commotion, strikes, go slows, lock outs or disorder.
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21. Dispute Resolution. The validity, interpretation, construction and performance of this Agreement
shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales, without giving effect to the principles of
conflict of laws. The Parties may agree to alternative methods of dispute resolution, including
negotiation, mediation and arbitration. Unless any alternative dispute resolution procedure is
agreed between the parties, the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts
England and Wales in respect of any dispute which arises out of or under this Agreement.
22. Severability. If one or more provisions of this Agreement are held to be unenforceable under
applicable law, the parties agree to renegotiate such provision in good faith. In the event that the
parties cannot reach a mutually agreeable and enforceable replacement for such provision, then (i)
such provision shall be excluded from this Agreement, (ii) the balance of the Agreement shall be
interpreted as if such provision were so excluded and (iii) the balance of the Agreement shall be
enforceable in accordance with its terms.
23. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed
an original, but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument.
[Date of signature]
In Witness hereof, the Parties have executed this Virtual Assistant Agreement as of the date set forth
Signed: _____________________________ Sign Here
Name: [Client Name and Business Name]
Address: [Registered Business Address]
Signed: _____________________________ Sign Here
Name: Kerry Lummus, Lummus Virtual Solutions
Address: Klast, Pocklington Road, Collingham, Newark, Nottinghamshire, NG23 7SS
Reviewed November 2022 (JM/1)
Exhibit A
Statement of Work
I. Payment Terms
Virtual Assistant shall be paid at an hourly rate of £ Rate]/hr. in accordance with the completion
of Services detailed in Section II below. Time spent will be rounded up or down to the nearest
15 minutes. The Client shall be invoiced every month for payment to the Contractor. Billable
time refers to all work executed with regard to the Services detailed in Section II. Billable time
also includes meetings, travel time and the writing and/or reading of correspondence sent by
mail, emails, social media and any communications via telephone.
II. Description of Services
Estimated Hours
Completion Date(s)
Services description
Estimated completion
The first completion
date shall be [first
completion date if
working on a project].
The Services shall be
repeated every
[repeated weeks/days]
until [final completion
date if working on a
Hourly rate
Agreed upon sum if
working on a project
Other pricing
III. Reimbursable Expenses
The Virtual Assistant may incur expenses as expressly specified which will be reimbursed by the
Client, for example petrol, stationery, postage, printing, plus any other items to be agreed in
advance from time to time.
In Witness hereof, the Parties have executed this Statement of Work as of the date set forth above.
Reviewed November 2022 (JM/1)