ANRV348-SO34-09 ARI 4 June 2008 7:52
The Sociology
of Discrimination:
Racial Discrimination
in Employment, Housing,
Credit, and Consumer
Devah Pager and Hana Shepherd
Department of Sociology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544;
Annu. Rev. Sociol 2008. 34:181–209
First published online as a Review in Advance on
March 17, 2008
The Annual Review of Sociology is online at
This article’s doi:
2008 by Annual Reviews.
All rights reserved
Key Words
race, inequality, measurement, mechanisms, African Americans, racial
Persistent racial inequality in employment, housing, and a wide range
of other social domains has renewed interest in the possible role of
discrimination. And yet, unlike in the pre–civil rights era, when racial
prejudice and discrimination were overt and widespread, today discrim-
ination is less readily identifiable, posing problems for social scientific
conceptualization and measurement. This article reviews the relevant
literature on discrimination, with an emphasis on racial discrimination
in employment, housing, credit markets, and consumer interactions.
We begin by defining discrimination and discussing relevant methods
of measurement. We then provide an overview of major findings from
studies of discrimination in each of the four domains; and, finally, we
turn to a discussion of the individual, organizational, and structural
mechanisms that may underlie contemporary forms of discrimination.
This discussion seeks to orient readers to some of the key debates in the
study of discrimination and to provide a roadmap for those interested
in building upon this long and important line of research.
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ANRV348-SO34-09 ARI 4 June 2008 7:52
Persistent racial inequality in employment,
housing, and other social domains has renewed
interest in the possible role of discrimination.
Contemporary forms of discrimination, how-
ever, are often subtle and covert, posing prob-
lems for social scientific conceptualization and
measurement. This article reviews the relevant
literature on racial discrimination, providing a
roadmap for scholars who wish to build on this
rich and important tradition. The charge for
this article was a focus on racial discrimination
in employment, housing, credit markets, and
consumer interactions, but many of the argu-
ments reviewed here may also extend to other
domains (e.g., education, health care, the crimi-
nal justice system) and to other types of discrim-
ination (e.g., gender, age, sexual orientation).
We begin this discussion by defining discrim-
ination and discussing methods for measuring
discrimination. We then provide an overview of
major findings from studies of discrimination in
employment, housing, and credit and consumer
markets. Finally, we turn to a discussion of the
individual, organizational, and structural mech-
anisms that may underlie contemporary forms
of discrimination.
According to its most simple definition, racial
discrimination refers to unequal treatment of
persons or groups on the basis of their race
or ethnicity. In defining racial discrimination,
many scholars and legal advocates distinguish
between differential treatment and disparate
impact, creating a two-part definition: Dif-
ferential treatment occurs when individuals
are treated unequally because of their race.
Disparate impact occurs when individuals are
treated equally according to a given set of
rules and procedures but when the latter are
constructed in ways that favor members of
one group over another (Reskin 1998, p. 32;
National Research Council 2004, pp. 39–
40). The second component of this definition
broadens its scope to include decisions and pro-
cesses that may not themselves have any explicit
racial content but that have the consequence
of producing or reinforcing racial disadvantage.
Beyond more conventional forms of individual
discrimination, institutional processes such as
these are important to consider in assessing how
valued opportunities are structured by race.
A key feature of any definition of discrim-
ination is its focus on behavior. Discrimina-
tion is distinct from racial prejudice (attitudes),
racial stereotypes (beliefs), and racism (ideolo-
gies) that may also be associated with racial dis-
advantage (see Quillian 2006). Discrimination
may be motivated by prejudice, stereotypes, or
racism, but the definition of discrimination does
not presume any unique underlying cause.
More than a century of social science interest
in the question of discrimination has resulted in
numerous techniques to isolate and identify its
presence and to document its effects (National
Research Council 2004). Although no method
is without its limitations, together these tech-
niques provide a range of perspectives that can
help to inform our understanding of whether,
how, and to what degree discrimination matters
in the lives of contemporary American racial
Perceptions of Discrimination
Numerous surveys have asked African
Americans and other racial minorities about
their experiences with discrimination in the
workplace, in their search for housing, and in
other everyday social settings (Schuman et al.
2001). One startling conclusion from this
line of research is the frequency with which
discrimination is reported. A 2001 survey,
for example, found that more than one-third
of blacks and nearly 20% of Hispanics and
Asians reported that they had personally been
passed over for a job or promotion because
of their race or ethnicity (Schiller 2004). A
1997 Gallup poll found that nearly half of all
black respondents reported having experienced
discrimination at least once in one of five
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common situations in the past month (Gallup
Organ. 1997). Further, the frequency with
which discrimination is reported does not
decline among those higher in the social hier-
archy; in fact, middle-class blacks are as likely
to perceive discrimination as are working-class
blacks, if not more (Feagin & Sikes 1994,
Kessler et al. 1990). Patterns of perceived
discrimination are important findings in their
own right, as research shows that those who
perceive high levels of discrimination are more
likely to experience depression, anxiety, and
other negative health outcomes (Kessler et al.
1990). Furthermore, perceived discrimination
may lead to diminished effort or performance
in education or the labor market, which itself
gives rise to negative outcomes (Ogbu 1991;
Steele 1997; Loury 2002, pp. 26–33). What
remains unclear from this line of research,
however, is to what extent perceptions of
discrimination correspond to some reliable
depiction of reality. Because events may be
misperceived or overlooked, perceptions of
discrimination may over- or underestimate the
actual incidence of discrimination.
Reports by Potential Discriminators
Another line of social science research focuses
on the attitudes and actions of dominant groups
for insights into when and how racial consider-
ations come into play. In addition to the long
tradition of survey research on racial attitudes
and stereotypes among the general population
(cf. Schuman et al. 2001, Farley et al. 1994),
a number of researchers have developed inter-
view techniques aimed at gauging propensities
toward discrimination among employers and
other gatekeepers. Harry Holzer has conducted
a number of employer surveys in which employ-
ers are asked a series of questions about “the
last worker hired for a noncollege job,” thereby
grounding employers’ responses in a concrete
recent experience (e.g., Holzer 1996). In this
format, race is asked about as only one inci-
dental characteristic in a larger series of ques-
tions concerning this recent employee, thereby
reducing the social desirability bias often trig-
gered when the subject of race is highlighted.
Likewise, by focusing on a completed action,
the researcher is able to document revealed
preferences rather than expressed ones and to
examine the range of employer, job, and labor
market characteristics that may be associated
with hiring decisions.
A second prominent approach to investigat-
ing racial discrimination in employment has re-
lied on in-depth, in-person interviews, which
can be effective in eliciting candid discussions
about sensitive hiring issues. Kirschenman &
Neckerman (1991), for example, describe em-
ployers’ blatant admission of their avoidance
of young, inner-city black men in their search
for workers. Attributing characteristics such as
“lazy” and “unreliable” to this group, the em-
ployers included in their study were candid in
their expressions of strong racial preferences
in considering low wage workers (p. 213; see
also Wilson 1996, Moss & Tilly 2001). These
in-depth studies have been invaluable in pro-
viding detailed accounts of what goes through
the minds of employers—at least consciously—
as they evaluate members of different groups.
However, we must keep in mind that racial
attitudes are not always predictive of corre-
sponding behavior (LaPiere 1934, Allport 1954,
Pager & Quillian 2005). Indeed, Moss & Tilly
(2001) report the puzzling finding that “busi-
nesses where a plurality of managers com-
plained about black motivation are more likely
to hire black men” (p. 151). Hiring decisions
(as with decisions to rent a home or approve a
mortgage) are influenced by a complex range of
factors, racial attitudes being only one. Where
understanding persistent racial prejudice and
stereotypes is surely an important goal in and of
itself, this approach will not necessarily reveal
the extent of discrimination in action.
Statistical Analyses
Perhaps the most common approach to study-
ing discrimination is by investigating inequal-
ity in outcomes between groups. Rather than
focusing on the attitudes or perceptions of
actors that may be correlated with acts of
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discrimination, this approach looks to the pos-
sible consequences of discrimination in the
unequal distribution of employment, housing,
or other social and economic resources. Us-
ing large-scale datasets, researchers can iden-
tify systematic disparities between groups and
chart their direction over time. Important pat-
terns can also be detected through detailed
and systematic case studies of individual firms,
which often provide a richer array of indicators
with which to assess patterns of discrimination
(e.g., Castilla 2008, Petersen & Saporta 2004,
Fernandez & Friedrich 2007).
Discrimination in statistical models is of-
ten measured as the residual race gap in any
outcome that remains after controlling for all
other race-related influences. Differences may
be identified through the main effect of race,
suggesting a direct effect of race on an outcome
of interest, or through an interaction between
race and one or more human capital character-
istics, suggesting differential returns to human
capital investments on the basis of race (Oaxaca
1973; National Research Council 2004, chap-
ter 7). The main liability of this approach is that
it is difficult to effectively account for the mul-
titude of factors relevant to unequal outcomes,
leaving open the possibility that the disparities
we attribute to discrimination may in fact be ex-
plained by some other unmeasured cause(s). In
statistical analyses of labor market outcomes,
for example, even after controlling for stan-
dard human capital variables (e.g., education,
work experience), a whole host of employment-
related characteristics typically remain unac-
counted for. Characteristics such as reliability,
motivation, interpersonal skills, and punctual-
ity, for example, are each important to finding
and keeping a job, but these are characteris-
tics that are often difficult to capture with sur-
vey data (see, for example, Farkas & Vicknair
1996, Farkas 2003). Complicating matters fur-
ther, some potential control variables may
themselves be endogenous to the process un-
der investigation. Models estimating credit dis-
crimination, for example, typically include con-
trols for asset accumulation and credit history,
which may themselves be in part the byprod-
uct of discrimination (Yinger 1998, pp. 26–27).
Likewise, controls for work experience or firm
tenure may be endogenous to the process of em-
ployment discrimination if minorities are ex-
cluded from those opportunities necessary to
building stable work histories (see Tomaskovic-
Devey et al. 2005). While statistical models rep-
resent an extremely important approach to the
study of race differentials, researchers should
use caution in making causal interpretations of
the indirect measures of discrimination derived
from residual estimates. For a more detailed
discussion of the challenges and possibilities of
statistical approaches to measuring discrimina-
tion, see the National Research Council (2004,
chapter 7).
Experimental Approaches
to Measuring Discrimination
Experimental approaches to measuring dis-
crimination excel in exactly those areas in which
statistical analyses flounder. Experiments allow
researchers to measure causal effects more di-
rectly by presenting carefully constructed and
controlled comparisons. In a laboratory ex-
periment by Dovidio & Gaertner (2000), for
example, subjects (undergraduate psychology
students) took part in a simulated hiring ex-
periment in which they were asked to evaluate
the application materials for black and white job
applicants of varying qualification levels. When
applicants were either highly qualified or poorly
qualified for the position, there was no evidence
of discrimination. When applicants had accept-
able but ambiguous qualifications, however,
participants were nearly 70% more likely to
recommend the white applicant than the black
applicant (see also Biernat & Kobrynowicz’s
1997 discussion of shifting standards).
Although laboratory experiments offer
some of the strongest evidence of causal
Dovidio & Gaertner (2000) also examined changes over
time, comparing parallel data collected at two time points,
1989 and 1999. Although the level of self-reported prejudice
declined significantly over the decade, the extent of discrim-
ination did not change.
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relationships, we do not know the extent to
which their findings relate to the kinds of deci-
sions made in their social contexts—to hire, to
rent, to move, for example—that are most rele-
vant to understanding the forms of discrimina-
tion that produce meaningful social disparities.
Seeking to bring more realism to the investi-
gation, some researchers have moved experi-
ments out of the laboratory and into the field.
Field experiments offer a direct measure of dis-
crimination in real-world contexts. In these ex-
periments, typically referred to as audit studies,
researchers carefully select, match, and train in-
dividuals (called testers) to play the part of a
job/apartment-seeker or consumer. By present-
ing equally qualified individuals who differ only
by race or ethnicity, researchers can assess the
degree to which racial considerations affect ac-
cess to opportunities. Audit studies have doc-
umented strong evidence of discrimination in
the context of employment (for a review, see
Pager 2007a), housing searches (Yinger 1995),
car sales (Ayres & Siegelman 1995), applica-
tions for insurance (Wissoker et al. 1998), home
mortgages (Turner & Skidmore 1999), the pro-
vision of medical care (Schulman et al. 1999),
and even in hailing taxis (Ridley et al. 1989).
Although experimental methods are appeal-
ing in their ability to isolate causal effects, they
nevertheless suffer from some important limita-
tions. Critiques of the audit methodology have
focused on questions of internal validity (e.g.,
experimenter effects, the problems of effective
tester matching), generalizability (e.g., the use
of overqualified testers, the limited sampling
frame for the selection of firms to be audited),
and the ethics of audit research (see Heckman
1998, Pager 2007a for a more extensive discus-
sion of these issues). In addition, audit studies
are often costly and difficult to implement and
can only be used for selective decision points
(e.g., hiring decisions but not training, promo-
tion, termination, etc.).
Studies of Law and Legal Records
Since the civil rights era, legal definitions and
accounts of discrimination have been central
to both popular and scholarly understandings
of discrimination. Accordingly, an additional
window into the dynamics of discrimination
involves the use of legal records from formal
discrimination claims. Whether derived from
claims to the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC), the courts, or state-level
Fair Employment/Fair Housing Bureaus, offi-
cial records documenting claims of discrimina-
tion can provide unique insight into the pat-
terns of discrimination and antidiscrimination
enforcement in particular contexts and over
Roscigno (2007), for example, analyzed
thousands of “serious claims” filed with the
Civil Rights Commission of Ohio related to
both employment and housing discrimination.
These claims document a range of discrimina-
tory behaviors, from harassment, to exclusion,
to more subtle forms of racial bias. [See also
Harris et al. (2005) for a similar research de-
sign focusing on federal court claims of con-
sumer discrimination.] Although studies rely-
ing on formal discrimination claims necessarily
overlook those incidents that go unnoticed or
unreported, these records provide a rare oppor-
tunity to witness detailed descriptions of dis-
crimination events across a wide range of social
domains not typically observed in conventional
research designs.
Other studies use discrimination claims, not
to assess patterns of discrimination, but to
investigate trends in the application of an-
tidiscrimination law. Nielsen & Nelson (2005)
provide an overview of research in this area,
examining the pathways by which potential
claims (or perceived discrimination) develop
into formal legal action, or conversely the
many points at which potential claims are de-
flected from legal action. Hirsh & Kornrich
(2008) examine how characteristics of the work-
place and institutional environment affect vari-
ation in the incidence of discrimination claims
and their verification by EEOC investigators.
Donohue & Siegelman (1991, 2005) analyze
discrimination claims from 1970 through 1997
to chart changes in the nature of antidiscrim-
ination enforcement over time. The overall
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volume of discrimination claims increased sub-
stantially over this period, though the compo-
sition of claims shifted away from an emphasis
on racial discrimination toward a greater em-
phasis on gender and disability discrimination.
Likewise, the types of employment discrimina-
tion claims have shifted from an emphasis on
hiring discrimination to an overwhelming em-
phasis on wrongful termination, and class ac-
tion suits have become increasingly rare. The
authors interpret these trends not as indicators
of changes in the actual distribution of discrim-
ination events, but rather as reflections of the
changing legal environment in which discrim-
ination cases are pursued (including, for exam-
ple, changes to civil rights law and changes in
the receptivity of the courts to various types
of discrimination claims), which themselves
may have implications for the expression of
discrimination (Donohue & Siegelman 1991,
Finally, a number of researchers have ex-
ploited changes in civil rights and antidiscrim-
ination laws as a source of exogenous variation
through which to measure changes in discrim-
ination (see Holzer & Ludwig 2003). Freeman
(1973, see table 6 therein), for example, inves-
tigates the effectiveness of federal EEO laws
by comparing the black-white income gap be-
fore and after passage of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964. Heckman & Payner (1989) use mi-
crodata from textile plants in South Carolina
to study the effects of race on employment be-
tween 1940 and 1980, concluding that federal
antidiscrimination policy resulted in a signifi-
cant improvement in black economic status be-
tween 1965 and 1975. More recent studies ex-
ploiting changes in the legal context include
Kelly & Dobbin (1998), who examine the ef-
fects of changing enforcement regimes on em-
ployers’ implementation of diversity initiatives;
Kalev & Dobbin (2006), who examine the rela-
tive impact of compliance reviews and lawsuits
on the representation of women and minorities
in management positions; and a volume edited
by Skrentny (2001), which examines many of
the complex and unexpected facets related to
the rise, expansion, and impact of affirmative
action and diversity policies in the United States
and internationally.
Although no research method is without
flaws, careful consideration of the range of
methods available helps to match one’s research
question with the appropriate empirical strat-
egy. Comparisons across studies can help to
shed light on the relative strengths and weak-
nesses of existing methodological approaches
(see National Research Council 2004). At the
same time, one must keep in mind that the na-
ture of discrimination may itself be a moving
target, with the forms and patterns of discrim-
ination shifting over time and across domains
(see Massey 2005, p. 148). These complexities
challenge our traditional modes of operational-
ization and encourage us to continue to update
and refine our measures to allow for an adequate
accounting of contemporary forms of racial
Simple as it may be, one basic question that
preoccupies the contemporary literature on dis-
crimination centers around its continuing rel-
evance. Whereas 50 years ago acts of discrim-
ination were overt and widespread, today it is
harder to assess the degree to which everyday
experiences and opportunities may be shaped
by ongoing forms of discrimination. Indeed,
the majority of white Americans believe that
a black person today has the same chance at
getting a job as an equally qualified white per-
son, and only a third believe that discrimination
is an important explanation for why blacks do
worse than whites in income, housing, and jobs
(Pager 2007a). Academic literature has likewise
questioned the relevance of discrimination for
modern-day outcomes, with the rising impor-
tance of skill, structural changes in the econ-
omy, and other nonracial factors accounting for
increasing amounts of variance in individual
outcomes (Heckman 1998, Wilson 1978). In-
deed, discrimination is not the only nor even the
most important factor shaping contemporary
opportunities. Nevertheless, it is important to
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understand when and how discrimination does
play a role in the allocation of resources and
opportunities. In the following discussion, we
examine the evidence of discrimination in four
domains: employment, housing, credit markets,
and consumer markets. Although not an ex-
haustive review of the literature, this discussion
aims to identify the major findings and debates
within each of these areas of research.
Although there have been some remarkable
gains in the labor force status of racial mi-
norities, significant disparities remain. African
Americans are twice as likely to be unemployed
as whites (Hispanics are only marginally so),
and the wages of both blacks and Hispanics con-
tinue to lag well behind those of whites (author’s
analysis of Current Population Survey, 2006). A
long line of research has examined the degree
to which discrimination plays a role in shaping
contemporary labor market disparities.
Experimental audit studies focusing on hir-
ing decisions have consistently found strong ev-
idence of racial discrimination, with estimates
of white preference ranging from 50% to 240%
(Cross et al. 1989, Turner et al. 1991, Fix &
Struyk 1993, Bendick et al. 1994; see Pager
2007a for a review). For example, in a study
by Bertrand & Mullainathan (2004), the re-
searchers mailed equivalent resumes to em-
ployers in Boston and Chicago using racially
identifiable names to signal race (for example,
names like Jamal and Lakisha signaled African
Americans, while Brad and Emily were asso-
ciated with whites).
White names triggered a
Field experiments that rely on contact by mail (rather than in
person) are referred to as correspondence studies. Although
these studies are typically limited to a more restricted range
of job openings than are in-person audit studies, and although
the signaling of race is somewhat more complicated (see Fryer
& Levitt 2004 for a discussion of the race-class association
among distinctively African American names), these studies
are not vulnerable to the concerns over experimenter effects
that are relevant in in-person studies (see Heckman 1998).
For a review of correspondence studies in international con-
texts, including a range of ethnic groups, see Riach & Rich
callback rate that was 50% higher than that of
equally qualified black applicants. Further, their
study indicated that improving the qualifica-
tions of applicants benefited white applicants
but not blacks, thus leading to a wider racial gap
in response rates for those with higher skill.
Statistical studies of employment outcomes
likewise reveal large racial disparities unac-
counted for by observed human capital char-
acteristics. Tomaskovic-Devey et al. (2005)
present evidence from a fixed-effects model
indicating that black men spend significantly
more time searching for work, acquire less work
experience, and experience less stable employ-
ment than do whites with otherwise equiva-
lent characteristics. Wilson et al. (1995) find
that, controlling for age, education, urban lo-
cation, and occupation, black male high school
graduates are 70% more likely to experience
involuntary unemployment than whites with
similar characteristics and that this disparity
increases among those with higher levels of
education. At more aggregate levels, research
points to the persistence of occupational seg-
regation, with racial minorities concentrated in
jobs with lower levels of stability and author-
ity and with fewer opportunities for advance-
ment (Parcel & Mueller 1983, Smith 2002). Of
course, these residual estimates cannot control
for all relevant factors, such as motivation, ef-
fort, access to useful social networks, and other
factors that may produce disparities in the ab-
sence of direct discrimination. Nevertheless,
these estimates suggest that blacks and whites
with observably similar human capital charac-
teristics experience markedly different employ-
ment outcomes.
Unlike the cases of hiring and employ-
ment, research on wage disparities comes to
more mixed conclusions. An audit study by
Bendick et al. (1994) finds that, among those
testers who were given job offers, whites
were offered wages that were on average
15 cents/hour higher than their equally qual-
ified black test partners; audit studies in gen-
eral, however, provide limited information on
wages, as many testers never make it to the wage
setting stage of the employment process. Some
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statistical evidence comes to similar conclu-
sions. Cancio et al. (1996), for example, find
that, controlling for parental background, ed-
ucation, work experience, tenure, and train-
ing, white men earn roughly 15% more than
comparable blacks (white women earned 6%
more than comparable black women). Farkas &
Vicknair (1996), however, using a different
dataset, find that the addition of controls for
cognitive ability eliminates the racial wage gap
for young black and white full-time workers.
According to the authors, these findings suggest
that racial differences in labor market outcomes
are due more to factors that precede labor mar-
ket entry (e.g., skill acquisition) rather than dis-
crimination within the labor market (see also
Neal & Johnson 1996).
Overall, then, the literature points toward
consistent evidence of discrimination in access
to employment, but less consistent evidence of
discrimination in wages. Differing methodolo-
gies and/or model specification may account for
some of the divergent results. But there is also
reason to believe that the processes affecting ac-
cess to employment (e.g., the influence of first
impressions, the absence of more reliable in-
formation on prospective employees, and min-
imal legal oversight) may be more subject to
discriminatory decision making than those af-
fecting wages. Further, the findings regarding
employment and wages may be in part causally
related, as barriers to labor market entry will
lead to a more select sample of black wage earn-
ers, reducing measured racial disparities (e.g.,
Western & Pettit 2005). These findings point
to the importance of modeling discrimination
as a process rather than a single-point out-
come, with disparities in premarket skills acqui-
sition, barriers to labor market entry, and wage
differentials each part of a larger employment
trajectory and shaped to differing degrees by
Residential segregation by race remains a
salient feature of contemporary American
cities. Indeed, African Americans were as seg-
regated from whites in 1990 as they had been
at the start of the twentieth century, and lev-
els of segregation appear unaffected by ris-
ing socioeconomic status (Massey & Denton
1993). Although segregation appears to have
modestly decreased between 1980 and 2000
(Logan et al. 2004), blacks (and to a lesser ex-
tent other minority groups) continue to experi-
ence patterns of residential placement markedly
different from whites. The degree to which
discrimination contributes to racial disparities
in housing has been a major preoccupation
of social scientists and federal housing agents
(Charles 2003).
The vast majority of the work on dis-
crimination in housing utilizes experimen-
tal audit data. For example, between 2000
and 2002 the Department of Housing and
Urban Development conducted an extensive
series of audits measuring housing discrimina-
tion against blacks, Latinos, Asians, and Native
Americans, including nearly 5500 paired tests in
nearly 30 metropolitan areas [see Turner et al.
(2002), Turner & Ross (2003a); see also Hakken
(1979), Feins & Bratt (1983), Yinger (1986),
Roychoudhury & Goodman (1992, 1996) for
additional, single-city audits of housing dis-
crimination]. The study results reveal bias
across multiple dimensions, with blacks experi-
encing consistent adverse treatment in roughly
one in five housing searches and Hispanics
experiencing consistent adverse treatment in
roughly one out of four housing searches (both
rental and sales).
Measured discrimination
took the form of less information offered about
units, fewer opportunities to view units, and, in
the case of home buyers, less assistance with fi-
nancing and steering into less wealthy commu-
nities and neighborhoods with a higher propor-
tion of minority residents.
Asian renters and homebuyers experienced similar levels of
consistent adverse treatment, though the effects were not
statistically significant for renters. The highest levels of dis-
crimination among the groups was experienced by Native
American renters, for whom reduced access to information
comprised the bulk of differential treatment (Turner & Ross
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Generally, the results of the 2000 Housing
Discrimination Study indicate that aggregate
levels of discrimination against blacks declined
modestly in both rentals and sales since 1989
(although levels of racial steering increased).
Discrimination against Hispanics in housing
sales declined, although Hispanics experienced
increasing levels of discrimination in rental
Other research using telephone audits fur-
ther points to a gender and class dimension
of racial discrimination in which black women
and/or blacks who speak in a manner associated
with a lower-class upbringing suffer greater dis-
crimination than black men and/or those sig-
naling a middle-class upbringing (Massey &
Lundy 2001, Purnell et al. 1999). Context also
matters in the distribution of discrimination
events (Fischer & Massey 2004). Turner &
Ross (2005) report that segregation and class
steering of blacks occurs most often when ei-
ther the housing or the office of the real es-
tate agent is in a predominantly white neigh-
borhood. Multi-city audits likewise suggest that
the incidence of discrimination varies substan-
tially across metropolitan contexts (Turner et al.
Moving beyond evidence of exclusionary
treatment, Roscigno and colleagues (2007) pro-
vide evidence of the various forms of housing
discrimination that can extend well beyond the
point of purchase (or rental agreement). Ex-
amples from a sample of discrimination claims
filed with the Civil Rights Commission of
Ohio point to the failure of landlords to pro-
vide adequate maintenance for housing units,
to harassment or physical threats by managers
or neighbors, and to the unequal enforcement
of a residential association’s rules.
Overall, the available evidence suggests that
discrimination in rental and housing markets
remains pervasive. Although there are some
promising signs of change, the frequency with
which racial minorities experience differential
treatment in housing searches suggests that
discrimination remains an important barrier
to residential opportunities. The implications
of these trends for other forms of inequality
(health, employment, wealth, and inheritance)
are discussed below.
Credit Markets
Whites possess roughly 12 times the wealth of
African Americans; in fact, whites near the bot-
tom of the income distribution possess more
wealth than blacks near the top of the income
distribution (Oliver & Shapiro 1997, p. 86).
Given that home ownership is one of the most
significant sources of wealth accumulation, pat-
terns that affect the value and viability of home
ownership will have an impact on wealth dispar-
ities overall. Accordingly, the majority of work
on discrimination in credit markets focuses on
the specific case of mortgages.
Available evidence suggests that blacks and
Hispanics face higher rejection rates and less
favorable terms in securing mortgages than do
whites with similar credit characteristics (Ross
& Yinger 1999). Oliver & Shapiro (1997, p.
142) report that blacks pay more than 0.5%
higher interest rates on home mortgages than
do whites and that this difference persists with
controls for income level, date of purchase, and
age of buyer.
The most prominent study of the effect of
race on rejection rates for mortgage loans is by
Munnell et al. (1996), which uses 1991 Home
Mortgage Disclosure Act data supplemented by
data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,
including individual applicants’ financial, em-
ployment, and property background variables
that lenders use to calculate the applicants’
probability of default. Accounting for a range of
variables linked to risk of default, cost of default,
loan characteristics, and personal and neighbor-
hood characteristics, they find that black and
Hispanic applications were 82% more likely to
be rejected than were those from similar whites.
Critics argued that the study was flawed on
the basis of the quality of the data collected
(Horne 1994), model specification problems
(Glennon & Stengel 1994), omitted variables
(Zandi 1993, Liebowitz 1993, Horne 1994, Day
& Liebowitz 1996), and endogenous explana-
tory variables (see Ross & Yinger 1999 for a full
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explication of the opposition), although rejoin-
ders suggest that the race results are affected
little by these modifications (Ross & Yinger
1999; S.L. Ross & G.M.B. Tootell, unpublished
Audit research corroborates evidence of
mortgage discrimination, finding that black
testers are less likely to receive a quote for a
loan than are white testers and that they are
given less time with the loan officer, are quoted
higher interest rates, and are given less coach-
ing and less information than are comparable
white applicants (for a review, see Ross & Yinger
In addition to investigating the race of
the applicant, researchers have investigated
the extent to which the race of the neigh-
borhood affects lending decisions, otherwise
known as redlining. Although redlining is a
well-documented factor in the origins of con-
temporary racial residential segregation (see
Massey & Denton 1993), studies after the
1974 Equal Credit Opportunity Act, which
outlawed redlining, and since the 1977 Com-
munity Reinvestment Act, which made ille-
gal having a smaller pool of mortgage funds
available in minority neighborhoods than in
similar white neighborhoods, find little evi-
dence of its persistence (Benston & Horsky
1991, Schafer & Ladd 1981, Munnell et al.
1996). This conclusion depends in part, how-
ever, on one’s definition of neighborhood-based
discrimination. Ross & Yinger (1999) distin-
guish between process-based and outcome-
based redlining, with process-based redlining
referring to “whether the probability that a
loan application is denied is higher in mi-
nority neighborhoods than in white neighbor-
hoods, all else equal” whereas outcome-based
redlining refers to smaller amounts of mortgage
funding available to minority neighborhoods
relative to comparable white neighborhoods.
Although evidence on both types of redlin-
ing is mixed, several studies indicate that,
controlling for demand, poor and/or minor-
ity neighborhoods have reduced access to
mortgage funding, particularly from main-
stream lenders (Phillips-Patrick & Rossi 1996,
Siskin & Cupingood 1996; see also Ladd
1998 for methodological issues in measuring
As a final concern, competition and dereg-
ulation of the banking industry have led
to greater variability in conditions of loans,
prompting the label of the “new inequality” in
lending (Williams et al. 2005, Holloway 1998).
Rather than focusing on rejection rates, these
researchers focus on the terms and conditions
of loans, in particular whether a loan is favor-
able or subprime (Williams et al. 2005, Apgar
& Calder 2005, Squires 2003). Immergluck
& Wiles (1999) have called this the “dual-
mortgage market” in which prime lending is
given to higher income and white areas, while
subprime and predatory lending is concentrated
in lower-income and minority communities
(see also Dymski 2006, pp. 232–36). Williams
et al. (2005), examining changes between 1993
and 2000, find rapid gains in loans to under-
served markets from specialized lenders: 78%
of the increase in lending to minority neigh-
borhoods was from subprime lenders, and 72%
of the increase in refinance lending to blacks
was from subprime lenders. Further, the au-
thors find that “even at the highest income
level, blacks are almost three times as likely to
get their loans from a subprime lender as are
others” (p. 197; see also Calem et al. 2004). Al-
though the disproportionate rise of subprime
lending in minority communities is not solely
the result of discrimination, some evidence sug-
gests that in certain cases explicit racial tar-
geting may be at work. In two audit studies
in which creditworthy testers approached sub-
prime lenders, whites were more likely to be re-
ferred to the lenders’ prime borrowing division
than were similar black applicants (see Williams
et al. 2005). Further, subprime lenders quoted
the black applicants very high rates, fees, and
closing costs that were not correlated with risk
(Williams et al. 2005).
See Stuart (2003) for a useful discussion of how economic
risk became defined in the mortgage lending industry and
how this approach has impacted discrimination.
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Not all evidence associated with credit mar-
ket discrimination is bad news. Indeed, between
1989 and 2000 the number of mortgage loans
to blacks and Hispanics nationwide increased
60%, compared with 16% for whites, sug-
gesting that some convergence is taking place
(Turner et al. 2002). Nevertheless, the evidence
indicates that blacks and Hispanics continue to
face higher rejection rates and receive less fa-
vorable terms than whites of equal credit risk. At
the time of this writing, the U.S. housing mar-
ket is witnessing high rates of loan defaults and
foreclosures, resulting in large part from the
rise in unregulated subprime lending; the con-
sequences of these trends for deepening racial
inequalities have yet to be fully explored.
Consumer Markets
Relative to employment, housing, and credit
markets, far less research focuses on discrimi-
nation in consumer transactions. Nevertheless,
there are some salient disparities. A 2005 re-
port by New Jersey Citizen Action using data
from two New Jersey lawsuits found that, be-
tween 1993 and 2000, blacks and Hispanics
were disproportionately subject to financing
markup charges at car dealerships, with mi-
nority customers paying an average of $339
more than whites with similar credit histories.
Harris et al. (2005) analyze federal court cases
of consumer discrimination filed from 1990 to
2002, examining the dimensions of subtle and
overt degradation (including extended wait-
ing periods, prepay requirements, and higher
prices, as well as increased surveillance and
verbal and/or physical attacks) and subtle and
overt denial of goods and services. They re-
port cases filed in hotels, restaurants, gas sta-
tions, grocery/food stores, clothing stores, de-
partment stores, home improvement stores,
and office equipment stores filed by mem-
bers of many racial minority groups. Likewise,
Feagin & Sikes (1994) document the myriad cir-
cumstances in which their middle-class African
American respondents report experiences of
discrimination, ranging from poor service in
restaurants to heightened surveillance in de-
partment stores to outright harassment in pub-
lic accommodations. Together, these studies
suggest that discrimination in consumer mar-
kets continues to impose both psychic and fi-
nancial costs on minority consumers.
Much of the empirical work on discrimina-
tion in consumer markets has focused specifi-
cally on the case of car purchases, which, aside
from housing, represent one of the most sig-
nificant forms of personal consumption expen-
ditures (Council of Economic Advisers 1997,
table B-14).
Ayres & Siegelman (1995) con-
ducted an audit study in Chicago in which
testers posed as customers seeking to purchase a
new car, approaching dealers with identical re-
hearsed bargaining strategies. The results show
that dealers were less flexible in their negotia-
tions with blacks, resulting in a significant dis-
parity in the ultimate distribution of prices (rel-
ative to white men, black men and black women
paid on average $1132 and $446 more, respec-
tively) (Ayres 1995). Although analyses using
microdata have come to more mixed conclu-
sions about the relevance of race in actual car
purchase prices (see Goldberg 1996, Morton
et al. 2003), the audit evidence suggests that
simply equating information, strategy, and
credit background is insufficient to eliminate
the effects of race on a customer’s bargaining
Although much of the literature on con-
sumer discrimination focuses on the race of the
individual customer, a few studies have also in-
vestigated the effects of community characteris-
tics on the pricing of goods and services. Graddy
(1997), for example, investigated discrimination
in pricing among fast food chains on the basis
of the race and income characteristics of a local
area. Using information about prices from over
400 fast food restaurants, matched with 1990
census data for zip code–level income, race,
crime, and population density, and control-
ling for a host of neighborhood, business, and
There is also a growing literature in economics that focuses
on online auctions (e.g., eBay
), allowing researchers to test
theories about consumer discrimination in more highly con-
trolled (but real-world) environments (e.g., List 2004).
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state-level characteristics, the author finds that
a 50% increase in a zip code’s percent black
is associated with a 5% increase in the price
of a meal, corresponding to roughly 15 cents
per meal. The study is a useful example of how
discrimination, especially in consumer markets,
might be examined as a function of segregated
residential patterns, suggesting a more contex-
tualized approach to studying discrimination
(see also Moore & Roux 2006).
Evidence of consumer discrimination points
to a range of situations in which minority cus-
tomers receive poorer service or pay more than
their white counterparts. Although few indi-
vidual incidents represent debilitating experi-
ences in and of themselves, the accumulation of
such experiences over a lifetime may represent
an important source of chronic stress (Kessler
et al. 1990) or distrust of mainstream institu-
tions (Feagin & Sikes 1994, Bobo & Thompson
2006). Indeed, the cumulative costs of racial dis-
crimination are likely to be far higher than any
single study can document.
Measuring the prevalence of discrimination is
difficult; identifying its causes is far more so.
Patterns of discrimination can be shaped by in-
fluences at many different levels, and the spe-
cific mechanisms at work are often difficult
to observe. Following Reskin (2003), in this
discussion we consider influences that operate
at the individual, organizational, and societal
level. Each level of analysis contains its own
range of dynamics that may instigate or medi-
ate expressions of discrimination. Although by
no means an exhaustive catalog, this discussion
provides some insight into the range of factors
that may underlie various forms of discrimina-
tory behavior.
Intrapsychic Factors
Much of the theoretical work on discrimina-
tion aims to understand what motivates actors
to discriminate along racial lines. Although in-
ternal motivations are difficult to measure em-
pirically (Reskin 2003), their relevance to the
understanding and conceptualization of dis-
crimination has been central (Quillian 2006).
Classical works in this area emphasized the role
of prejudice or racial animus as key under-
pinnings of discrimination, with feelings and
beliefs about the inferiority or undesirability
of certain racial groups associated with subse-
quent disadvantaging behavior (Allport 1954,
Pettigrew 1982). Conceptualizations of preju-
dice range from individual-level factors, such
as an authoritarian personality (Adorno et al.
1950) or a “taste for discrimination” (Becker
1957), to more instrumental concerns over
group competition and status closure (Blumer
1958, Blalock 1956, Jackman 1994, Tilly 1998).
Scholars have characterized changes in the
nature of racial prejudice over the past 50
years—as expressed through racial attitudes—
as shifting toward the endorsement of equal
treatment by race and a repudiation of
overt forms of prejudice and discrimination
(Schuman et al. 2001). Some, however, ques-
tion the degree to which these visible changes
reflect the true underlying sentiments of
white Americans or rather a more superfi-
cial commitment to racial equality. Theories
of “symbolic racism” (Kinder & Sears 1981),
“modern racism” (McConahay 1986), and
“laissez-faire racism” (Bobo et al. 1997), for ex-
ample, each point to the disconnect between
attitudes of principle (e.g., racial equality as an
ideal) and policy attitudes (e.g., government ac-
tion to achieve those ideals) as indicative of lim-
ited change in underlying racial attitudes (but
see Sniderman et al. 1991 for a countervailing
view). These new formulations of prejudice in-
clude a blending of negative affect and beliefs
about members of certain groups with more
abstract political ideologies that reinforce the
status quo.
Whereas sociological research on prejudice
is based largely on explicit attitudes measured
through large-scale surveys, psychologists have
increasingly turned to measures of implicit
prejudice, or forms of racial bias that operate
without conscious awareness yet can influence
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cognition, affect, and behavior (Greenwald &
Banaji 1995, Fazio & Olson 2003). Experiments
in which subjects are unconsciously primed
with words or images associated with African
Americans reveal strong negative racial associ-
ations, even among those who consciously re-
pudiate prejudicial beliefs. Whereas the links
between explicit and implicit forms of preju-
dice and between implicit prejudice and behav-
ior remain less well understood, the presence of
widespread unconscious racial biases has been
firmly established across a multitude of contexts
(see Lane et al. 2007).
Parallel to the study of racial prejudice (the
more affective component of racial attitudes)
is a rich history of research on racial stereo-
types (a more cognitive component). Whereas
many general racial attitudes have shifted to-
ward more egalitarian beliefs, the content and
valence of racial stereotypes appears to have
changed little over time (Devine & Elliot 1995,
Lane et al. 2007).
White Americans continue
to associate African Americans with character-
istics such as lazy, violence-prone, and welfare-
dependent and Hispanics with characteristics
such as poor, unintelligent, and unpatriotic
(Smith 1991, Bobo & Kluegel 1997). Culturally
embedded stereotypes about racial differences
are reflected in both conscious and unconscious
evaluations (Greenwald & Banaji 1995) and
may set the stage for various forms of discrim-
inatory treatment (Farley et al. 1994).
Researchers differ in perspectives regard-
ing the cognitive utility and accuracy of stereo-
types. Whereas many social psychologists view
stereotypes as “faulty or inflexible generaliza-
tion[s]” (Allport 1954), economic theories of
statistical discrimination emphasize the cogni-
tive utility of group estimates as a means of deal-
ing with the problems of uncertainty (Phelps
Indeed, social psychological research points to the hard-
wired tendency toward categorization, with preferences for
in-groups and the stereotyping of out-groups a natural out-
growth of human cognition (Fiske 1998). Although the social
context certainly shapes the boundaries of social groups and
the content of stereotypes, this cognitive impulse likely con-
tributes to the resilience of social categorization and stereo-
types (Massey 2007).
1972, Arrow 1972). Group-level estimates of
difficult-to-observe characteristics (such as av-
erage productivity levels or risk of loan default)
may provide useful information in the screening
of individual applicants. Although some impor-
tant research questions the accuracy of group-
level estimates (e.g., Bielby & Baron 1986), the
mechanism proposed in models of statistical
discrimination—rational actors operating un-
der conditions of uncertainty—differ substan-
tially from those based on racial prejudice. In-
deed, much of the literature across the various
domains discussed above attempts to discern
whether discrimination stems primarily from
racial animus or from these more instrumen-
tal adaptations to information shortages (e.g.,
Ayres & Siegelman 1995).
The various factors discussed here, in-
cluding prejudice, group competition, modern
racism, stereotypes, and statistical discrimina-
tion, represent just a few of the varied intrapsy-
chic influences that may affect discrimination.
It is important to emphasize, however, that the
behavioral manifestation of discrimination does
not allow one readily to assume any particu-
lar underlying intrapsychic motivation, just as a
lack of discrimination does not presume the ab-
sence of prejudice (see Merton 1970). Contin-
ued efforts to measure the processes by which
internal states translate into discriminatory ac-
tion [or what Reskin (2003) calls a shift from
“motives” to “mechanisms”] will help to illu-
minate the underlying causes of contemporary
racial discrimination.
Organizational Factors
Beyond the range of interpersonal and intrapsy-
chic factors that may influence discrimination,
a large body of work directs our attention to-
ward the organizational contexts in which indi-
vidual actors operate. Baron & Bielby’s (1980)
classic article established a central role for orga-
nizations in stratification research, arguing for
a framework that links “the ‘macro’ and ‘micro’
dimensions of work organization and inequal-
ity” (p. 738). More recent theoretical and em-
pirical advances in the field of discrimination
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have maintained a strong interest in the role of
organizations as a key structural context shap-
ing inequality.
Tilly’s (1998) analysis of durable inequality
emphasizes the importance of organizational
dynamics in creating and maintaining group
boundaries. “Durable inequality arises because
people who control access to value-producing
resources solve pressing organizational prob-
lems by means of categorical distinctions” (p. 8).
Although actors “rarely set out to manufacture
inequality as such,” their efforts to secure access
to valued resources by distinguishing between
insiders and outsiders, ensuring solidarity and
loyalty, and monopolizing important knowl-
edge often make use of (and thereby reinforce
the salience of) established categories in the ser-
vice of facilitating organizational goals (p. 11).
Tilly’s analysis places organizational structure
at the center stage, arguing that “the reduction
or intensification of racist, sexist, or xenopho-
bic attitudes will have relatively little impact
on durable inequality, whereas the introduction
of new organizational forms ...will have great
impact” (p. 15). In line with these arguments,
an important line of sociological research has
sought to map the dimensions of organizational
structures that may attenuate or exacerbate the
use of categorical distinctions and, correspond-
ingly, the incidence of discrimination (Vallas
Much of the empirical literature explor-
ing organizational mechanisms of discrimi-
nation has focused specifically on how or-
ganizational practices mediate the cognitive
biases and stereotypes of actors (Baron &
Pfeffer 1994). Indeed, Reskin (2000) argues
that “the proximate cause of most discrimina-
tion is whether and how personnel practices in
work organizations constrain the biasing effects
of . . . automatic cognitive processes” (p. 320).
Petersen & Saporta (2004) take a bolder stance,
starting with the assumption that “discrimina-
tion is widespread, and employers discriminate
if they can get away with it” (p. 856). Rather
than asking why employers discriminate, then,
these authors look to the “opportunity struc-
ture for discrimination” (in their case, features
of job ladders within organizations) that allow
or inhibit the expression of discriminatory ten-
dencies (pp. 855–56).
In the following discussion, we briefly con-
sider several important themes relevant to the
literature on organizational mechanisms of dis-
crimination. In particular, we examine how or-
ganizational structure and practices influence
the cognitive and social psychological processes
of decision makers (the role of formalized orga-
nizational procedures and diversity initiatives),
how organizational practices create disparate
outcomes that may be independent of decision
makers (the role of networks), and how organi-
zations respond to their broader environment.
The role of formalization. One important
debate in this literature focuses on the
degree to which formalized organizational
procedures can mitigate discrimination by
limiting individual discretion. The case of the
military (Moskos & Butler 1996), for example,
and the public sector more generally (DiPrete
& Soule 1986, Moulton 1990) provide exam-
ples in which highly rationalized systems of
hiring, promotion, and remuneration are asso-
ciated with an increasing representation of mi-
norities, greater racial diversity in positions of
authority, and a smaller racial wage gap. Like-
wise, in the private sector, formal and systematic
protocols for personnel management decisions
are associated with increases in the represen-
tation of racial minorities (Reskin et al. 1999,
Szafran 1982, Mittman 1992), and the use of
concrete performance indicators and formal-
ized evaluation systems has been associated with
reductions in racial bias in performance evalu-
ations (Krieger 1995, Reskin 2000).
Individual discretion has been associated
with the incidence of discrimination in credit
markets as well. For example, Squires (1994)
finds that credit history irregularities on pol-
icy applications were often selectively over-
looked in the case of white applicants. Con-
versely, Gates et al. (2002) report that the use
of automated underwriting systems (removing
lender discretion) was associated with a nearly
30% increase in the approval rate for minority
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and low-income clients and at the same time
more accurately predicted default than tradi-
tional methods. These findings suggest that for-
malized procedures can help to reduce racial
bias in ways that are consistent with goals of
organizational efficiency.
At the same time, increased bureaucratiza-
tion does not necessarily mitigate discrimina-
tory effects. According to Bielby (2000), rules
and procedures are themselves subject to the
influence of groups inside and outside the orga-
nization who “mobilize resources in a way that
advances their interests,” with competition be-
tween groups potentially undermining the neu-
trality of bureaucratic procedures (Bielby 2000,
p. 123; see also Ross & Yinger 2002, Acker
1989). Additionally, there is evidence that for-
malized criteria are often selectively enforced,
with greater flexibility or leeway applied in the
case of majority groups (Wilson et al. 1999,
Squires 1994). Likewise, indications of racial
bias in performance evaluations cast doubt on
the degree to which even formalized assess-
ments of work quality can escape the influence
of race (McKay & McDaniel 2006). The degree
to which formalization can reduce or eliminate
discrimination, thus, remains open to debate,
with effects depending on the specific context
of implementation.
Diversity initiatives. Since the passage of Ti-
tle VII in the 1964 Civil Rights Act, most
large organizations have taken active steps
to signal compliance with antidiscrimination
laws. Deliberate organizational efforts to ad-
dress issues of discrimination (or the percep-
tion thereof), either in disparate treatment or
disparate impact, often are labeled as diversity
initiatives, and these practices are widespread.
Winterle (1992) cites a 1991 survey of organi-
zations demonstrating that roughly two-thirds
provided diversity training for managers, half
provided a statement on diversity from top
management, and roughly one-third provided
diversity training for employees and/or had a
diversity task force (see also Wheeler 1995,
Edelman et al. 2001). Not all such initiatives,
however, have any proven relationship to ac-
tual diversity outcomes. Kalev et al. (2006) ex-
amine the efficacy of active organizational ef-
forts to promote diversity, focusing specifically
on three of the most common organizational
practices: the implementation of organizational
accountability by creating new positions or
taskforces designed specifically to address di-
versity issues, managerial bias training, and
mentoring and network practices. They find
that practices designed to increase organiza-
tional authority and accountability are the most
effective in increasing the number of women
and minorities in management positions. Net-
working and mentoring programs appear some-
what useful, whereas programs focused on re-
ducing bias (e.g., diversity training) have little
effect. These results suggest that organizational
initiatives to reduce racial disparities can be ef-
fective, but primarily when implemented with
concrete goals to which organizational leader-
ship is held accountable.
Taking a broader look at race-targeted em-
ployment policies, Holzer & Neumark (2000)
investigate the effects of affirmative action on
the recruitment and employment of minori-
ties and women. They find that affirmative ac-
tion is associated with increases in the number
of recruitment and screening practices used by
employers, increases in the number of minor-
ity applicants and employees, and increases in
employers’ tendencies to provide training and
formal evaluations of employees. Although the
use of affirmative action in hiring is associated
with somewhat weaker credentials among mi-
nority hires, actual job performance appears un-
Note, however, that the creation of new positions for di-
versity management may have its own disadvantages, inad-
vertently diverting minority employees away from more de-
sirable management trajectories. Collins (1989, 1993), for
example, finds that upwardly mobile blacks are frequently
tracked into racialized management jobs or into jobs that
specifically deal with diversity issues, with black customers,
or with relations with the black community. According to
Collins, these jobs are also characterized by greater vulner-
ability to downsizing and fewer opportunities for advance-
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The role of networks. In addition to exam-
ining how organizational policies and practices
shape the behavior of decision makers and gate-
keepers, researchers must acknowledge that
some mechanisms relevant to the perpetuation
of categorical inequality might operate inde-
pendently of the actions of individuals. Indeed,
many organizational policies or procedures can
impose disparate impact along racial lines with
little direct influence from individual decision
makers. The case of networks represents one
important example. The role of networks in
hiring practices is extremely well documented,
with networks generally viewed as an efficient
strategy for matching workers to employers
with advantages for both job seekers (e.g.,
Granovetter 1995) and employers (e.g.,
Fernandez et al. 2000). At the same time,
given high levels of social segregation (e.g.,
McPherson et al. 2001), the use of referrals is
likely to reproduce the existing racial compo-
sition of the company and to exclude members
of those groups not already well represented
(Braddock & McPartland 1987). In an analysis
of noncollege jobs, controlling for spatial
segregation, occupational segregation, city,
and firm size, Mouw (2002) finds that the use
of employee referrals in predominantly white
firms reduces the probability of a black hire by
nearly 75% relative to the use of newspaper
Petersen et al. (2000) using data on a
high-technology organization over a 10-year
period find that race differences in hiring are
eliminated when the method of referral is
considered, suggesting that the impact of social
networks on hiring outcomes is strong and
may be more important than any direct action
taken by organization members. Irrespective of
an employer’s personal racial attitudes, the use
of employee referrals is likely to reproduce the
existing racial composition of an organization,
restricting valuable employment opportunities
Mouw (2002) does not find evidence that this sorting process
affects aggregate employment rates, although the segregation
of job opportunities is itself associated with racial differences
in job quality and stability (Parcel & Mueller 1983).
from excluded groups (see also Royster 2003,
Waldinger & Lichter 2003).
Networks and network composition may
matter not only for the purposes of obtain-
ing information and referrals for jobs, but
also within jobs for the purposes of infor-
mal mentoring, contacts, and relevant informa-
tion important to advancement (Ibarra 1993,
Grodsky & Pager 2001). Mechanisms of ho-
mosocial reproduction, or informal preferences
for members of one’s own group, can lead to
network configurations of informal mentorship
and sponsorship that contribute to the preserva-
tion of existing status hierarchies (Kanter 1977;
see also Elliot & Smith 2001, Sturm 2001).
The wide-ranging economic consequences that
follow from segregated social networks corre-
sponds to what Loury (2001, p. 452) refers to
as the move from “discrimination in contract”
to “discrimination in contact.” According to
Loury, whereas earlier forms of discrimination
primarily reflected explicit differences in the
treatment of racial groups, contemporary forms
of discrimination are more likely to be perpetu-
ated through informal networks of opportunity
that, though ostensibly race-neutral, systemat-
ically disadvantage members of historically ex-
cluded groups.
Organizations in context. Much of the re-
search discussed above considers the organiza-
tion as a context in which decisions and pro-
cedures that affect discriminatory treatment
are shaped. But organizations themselves are
likewise situated within a larger context, with
prevailing economic, legal, and social environ-
ments conditioning organizational responses
(Reskin 2003). When labor markets expand
or contract, organizations shift their recruit-
ment and termination/retention strategies in
ways that adapt to these broader forces (e.g.,
Freeman & Rodgers 1999). When antidiscrim-
ination laws are passed or amended, organiza-
tions respond in ways that signal compliance
(Dobbin et al. 1993), with the impact of these
measures varying according to shifting levels or
strategies of government enforcement (Kalev &
Dobbin 2006, Leonard 1985). At the same time,
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organizations are not merely passive recipients
of the larger economic and legal context. In the
case of the legal environment, for example, or-
ganizations play an active role in interpreting
and shaping the ways that laws are translated
into practice. Edelman (1992), Dobbin et al.
(1993), and Dobbin & Sutton (1998) have each
demonstrated ways in which the U.S. federal
government’s lack of clear guidance regarding
compliance with antidiscrimination laws and
regulations allowed organizations to establish
and legitimate their own compliance measures.
According to Edelman (1992, p. 1542), “orga-
nizations do not simply ignore or circumvent
weak law, but rather construct compliance in a
way that, at least in part, fits their interests.” Or-
ganizational actors, then, can wind up playing
the dual role of both defining and demonstrat-
ing compliance, with important implications
for the nature, strength, and impact of antidis-
crimination laws and likewise for the patterns of
discrimination that emerge in these contexts.
Organizations occupy a unique position
with respect to shaping patterns of discrimina-
tion. They mediate both the cognitive and atti-
tudinal biases of actors within the organization
as well as the influence of broader economic
and legal pressures applied from beyond. Rec-
ognizing the specific features of organizational
action that affect patterns of discrimination rep-
resents one of the most important contributions
of sociological research in this area. To date, the
vast majority of organizational research has fo-
cused on the context of labor markets; investi-
gations of organizational functioning in other
domains (e.g., real estate, retail sales, lending
institutions) would do much to further our un-
derstanding of how collective policies and prac-
tices shape the expression of discrimination.
Structural Factors
The majority of research on discrimination fo-
cuses on dynamics between individuals or small
groups. It is easiest to conceptualize discrimina-
tion in terms of the actions of specific individ-
uals, with the attitudes, prejudices, and biases
of majority group members shaping actions to-
ward minority group members. And yet, it is
important to recognize that each of these de-
cisions takes place within a broader social con-
text. Members of racial minority groups may
be systematically disadvantaged not only by
the willful acts of particular individuals, but
because the prevailing system of opportuni-
ties and constraints favors the success of one
group over another. In addition to the or-
ganizational factors discussed above, broader
structural features of a society can contribute
to unequal outcomes through the ordinary
functioning of its cultural, economic, and
political systems (see also National Research
Council 2004, chapter 11). The term structural
discrimination has been used loosely in the lit-
erature, along with concepts such as institu-
tional discrimination and structural or institu-
tional racism, to refer to the range of policies
and practices that contribute to the systematic
disadvantage of members of certain groups. In
the following discussion, we consider three dis-
tinct conceptualizations of structural discrim-
ination, each of which draws our attention to
the broader, largely invisible contexts in which
group-based inequalities may be structured and
A legacy of historical discrimination. This
first conceptualization of structural discrimi-
nation stands furthest from conventional def-
initions of discrimination as an active and on-
going form of racial bias. By focusing on the
legacies of past discrimination, this emphasis
remains agnostic about the relevance of con-
temporary forms of discrimination that may
further heighten or exacerbate existing in-
equalities. And yet, the emphasis on structural
discrimination—as opposed to just inequality—
directs our attention to the array of discrim-
inatory actions that brought about present
day inequalities. The origins of contempo-
rary racial wealth disparities, for example, have
well-established links to historical practices of
redlining, housing covenants, racially targeted
federal housing policies, and other forms of ac-
tive discrimination within housing and lending
markets (e.g., Massey & Denton 1993). Setting
aside evidence of continuing discrimination in
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each of these domains, these historical practices
themselves are sufficient to maintain extraordi-
narily high levels of wealth inequality through
the intergenerational transition of advantage
(the ability to invest in good neighborhoods,
good schools, college, housing assistance for
adult children, etc.) (Oliver & Shapiro 1997).
According to Conley (1999), even if we were to
eliminate all contemporary forms of discrimi-
nation, huge racial wealth disparities would per-
sist, which in turn underlie racial inequalities
in schooling, employment, and other social do-
mains (see also Lieberson & Fuguitt 1967). Re-
cent work based on formal modeling suggests
that the effects of past discrimination, partic-
ularly as mediated by ongoing forms of social
segregation, are likely to persist well into the
future, even in the absence of ongoing discrim-
ination (see Bowles et al. 2007, Lundberg &
Startz 1998).
These historical sources of discrimination
may become further relevant, not only in their
perpetuation of present-day inequalities, but
also through their reinforcement of contempo-
rary forms of stereotypes and discrimination. As
in Myrdal’s (1944) “principle of cumulation,”
structural disadvantages (e.g., poverty, jobless-
ness, crime) come to be seen as cause, rather
than consequence, of persistent racial inequal-
ity, justifying and reinforcing negative racial
stereotypes (pp. 75–78). Bobo et al. (1997, p. 23)
argue that “sharp black-white economic in-
equality and residential segregation...provide
the kernel of truth needed to regularly breathe
new life into old stereotypes about putative
black proclivities toward involvement in crime,
violence, and welfare dependency.” The per-
petuation of racial inequality through struc-
tural and institutional channels can thus be con-
ducive to reinforcing negative racial stereotypes
and shifting blame toward minorities for their
own disadvantage (see also Sunstein 1991, p. 32;
Fiske et al. 2002).
Contemporary state policies and practices.
This second conceptualization of structural dis-
crimination accords more with conventional
understandings of the term, placing its empha-
sis on those contemporary policies and practices
that systematically disadvantage certain groups.
Paradigmatic cases of structural discrimination
include the caste system in India, South Africa
under apartheid, or the United States during
Jim Crow—each of these representing soci-
eties in which the laws and cultural institutions
manufactured and enforced systematic inequal-
ities based on group membership. Although
the vestiges of Jim Crow have long since dis-
appeared in the contemporary United States,
there remain features of American society that
may contribute to persistent forms of struc-
tural discrimination (see Massey 2007, Feagin
One example is the provision of public ed-
ucation in the United States. According to
Orfield & Lee (2005, p. 18), more than 60% of
black and Latino students attend high poverty
schools, compared with 30% of Asians and 18%
of whites. In addition to funding disparities
across these schools, based on local property
taxes, the broader resources of schools in poor
neighborhoods are substantially limited: Teach-
ers in poor and minority schools are likely to
have less experience, shorter tenure, and emer-
gency credentials rather than official teaching
certifications (Orfield & Lee 2005). At the same
time, schools in high poverty neighborhoods
are faced with a greater incidence of social
problems, including teen pregnancy, gang in-
volvement, and unstable households (Massey &
Denton 1993). With fewer resources, these
schools are expected to manage a wider array
of student needs. The resulting lower quality of
education common in poor and minority school
districts places these students at a disadvantage
in competing for future opportunities (Massey
A second relevant example comes from the
domain of criminal justice policy. Although ev-
idence of racial discrimination at selective de-
cision points in the criminal justice system is
weak (Sampson & Lauritsen 1997), the un-
precedented growth of the criminal justice sys-
tem over the past 30 years has had a vastly
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disproportionate effect on African Americans.
Currently, nearly one out of three young black
men will spend time in prison during his life-
time, a figure that rises to nearly 60% among
young black high school dropouts (Bonczar
& Beck 1997, Pettit & Western 2004). Given
the wide array of outcomes negatively affected
by incarceration—including family formation,
housing, employment, political participation,
and health—decisions about crime policy, even
when race-neutral in content, represent a criti-
cal contemporary source of racial disadvantage
(Pattillo et al. 2003, Pager 2007b, Manza &
Uggen 2006).
These examples point to contexts in which
ostensibly race-neutral policies can structure
and reinforce existing social inequalities. Ac-
cording to Omi & Winant (1994), “through
policies which are explicitly or implicitly racial,
state institutions organize and enforce the racial
politics of everyday life. For example, they en-
force racial (non)discrimination policies, which
they administer, arbitrate, and encode in law.
They organize racial identities by means of
education, family law, and the procedures for
punishment, treatment, and surveillance of the
criminal, deviant and ill” (p. 83). Even without
any willful intent, policies can play an active role
in designating the beneficiaries and victims of
a particular system of resource allocation, with
important implications for enduring racial in-
Accumulation of disadvantage. This third
category of structural discrimination draws our
attention to how the effects of discrimination
in one domain or at one point in time may have
consequences for a broader range of outcomes.
Through spillover effects across domains, pro-
cesses of cumulative (dis)advantage across the
life course, and feedback effects, the effects of
The case of drug policy and enforcement is one area for
which evidence of direct racial discrimination is stronger (see
Beckett et al. 2005, Tonry 1995).
discrimination can intensify and, in some cases,
become self-sustaining.
Although traditional measures of discrim-
ination focus on individual decision points
(e.g., the decision to hire, to rent, to offer a
loan), the effects of these decisions may ex-
tend into other relevant domains. Discrimina-
tion in credit markets, for example, contributes
to higher rates of loan default, with negative im-
plications for minority entrepreneurship, home
ownership, and wealth accumulation (Oliver
& Shapiro 1997). Discrimination in housing
markets contributes to residential segregation,
which is associated with concentrated disadvan-
tage (Massey & Denton 1993), poor health out-
comes (Williams 2004), and limited educational
and employment opportunities (Massey &
Fischer 2006, Fernandez & Su 2004). Single
point estimates of discrimination within a par-
ticular domain may substantially underestimate
the cumulative effects of discrimination over
time and the ways in which discrimination in
one domain can trigger disadvantage in many
In addition to linkages across domains, the
effects of discrimination may likewise span for-
ward in time, with the cumulative impact of dis-
crimination magnifying initial effects. Blau &
Ferber (1987), for example, point to how the
channeling of men and women into different
job types at career entry “will virtually ensure
sex differences in productivity, promotion op-
portunities, and pay” (p. 51). Small differences
in starting points can have large effects over
the life course (and across generations), even in
the absence of continuing discrimination [for
a rich discussion of cumulative (dis)advantage,
see DiPrete & Eirich (2006)].
Finally, anticipated or experienced discrim-
ination can lead to adaptations that intensify
initial effects. Research points to diminished
effort or valuation of schooling (Ogbu 1991),
lower investments in skill-building (Farmer &
Terrell 1996), and reduced labor force partic-
ipation (Castillo 1998) as possible responses
to perceived discrimination against oneself or
members of one’s group. These adaptations can
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easily be coded as choices rather than con-
straints, as characteristics to be controlled for
in estimates of discrimination rather than in-
cluded as one part of that estimate. And yet,
for an understanding of the full range of effects
associated with discrimination, these indirect
pathways and self-fulfilling prophesies should
likewise be examined (see Loury 2002, pp. 26–
A focus on structural and institutional
sources of discrimination encourages us to con-
sider how opportunities may be allocated on
the basis of race in the absence of direct prej-
udice or willful bias. It is difficult to capture
the structural and cumulative consequences of
discrimination using traditional research de-
signs; advances in this area will require creative
new approaches (see National Research Coun-
cil 2004, chapter 11). Nevertheless, for an accu-
rate accounting of the impact of discrimination,
we must recognize how historical practices and
contemporary policies may contribute to ongo-
ing and cumulative forms of racial discrimina-
Discrimination is not the only cause of racial
disparities in the United States. Indeed, persis-
tent inequality between racial and ethnic groups
is the product of complex and multifaceted
influences. Nevertheless, the weight of exist-
ing evidence suggests that discrimination does
continue to affect the allocation of contempo-
rary opportunities; and, further, given the of-
ten covert, indirect, and cumulative nature of
these effects, our current estimates may in fact
understate the degree to which discrimination
contributes to the poor social and economic
outcomes of minority groups. Although great
progress has been made since the early 1960s,
the problem of racial discrimination remains an
important factor in shaping contemporary pat-
terns of social and economic inequality.
The authors are not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this
We thank Barbara Reskin, Douglas Massey, Frank Dobbin, and Lincoln Quillian for their generous
comments and suggestions. Support for this research came from grants from NSF (SES-0547810)
and NIH (K01-HD053694). The second author also received support from an NSF Graduate
Research Fellowship.
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AR348-FM ARI 10 June 2008 11:22
Annual Review
of Sociology
Volume 34, 2008
Prefatory Chapters
Reproductive Biology, Technology, and Gender Inequality:
An Autobiographical Essay
Joan N. Huber pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp1
From Mead to a Structural Symbolic Interactionism and Beyond
Sheldon Stryker pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp15
Theory and Methods
Methodological Memes and Mores: Toward a Sociology
of Social Research
Erin Leahey pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp33
Social Processes
After Secularization?
Philip S. Gorski and Ate¸s Altınordu pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp55
Institutions and Culture
Religion and Science: Beyond the Epistemological Conflict Narrative
John H. Evans and Michael S. Evans pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp87
Black/White Differences in School Performance: The Oppositional
Culture Explanation
Douglas B. Downey pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp107
Formal Organizations
Sieve, Incubator, Temple, Hub: Empirical and Theoretical Advances
in the Sociology of Higher Education
Mitchell L. Stevens, Elizabeth A. Armstrong, and Richard Arum ppppppppppppppppppppppp127
Political and Economic Sociology
Citizenship and Immigration: Multiculturalism, Assimilation,
and Challenges to the Nation-State
Irene Bloemraad, Anna Korteweg, and G¨ok¸ce Yurdakul pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp153
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2008.34:181-209. Downloaded from
by Princeton University Library on 08/27/08. For personal use only.
AR348-FM ARI 10 June 2008 11:22
Differentiation and Stratification
The Sociology of Discrimination: Racial Discrimination
in Employment, Housing, Credit, and Consumer Markets
Devah Pager and Hana Shepherd pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp181
The Second Generation in Western Europe:
Education, Unemployment, and Occupational Attainment
Anthony F. Heath, Catherine Rothon, and Elina Kilpi pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp211
Broken Down by Race and Gender? Sociological Explanations
of New Sources of Earnings Inequality
Kevin T. Leicht pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp237
Family Structure and the Reproduction of Inequalities
Sara McLanahan and Christine Percheski ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp257
Unconscious Racism: A Concept in Pursuit of a Measure
Hart Blanton and James Jaccard ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp277
Individual and Society
Horizontal Stratification in Postsecondary Education:
Forms, Explanations, and Implications
Theodore P. Gerber and Sin Yi Cheung pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp299
Gender Inequalities in Education
Claudia Buchmann, Thomas A. DiPrete, and Anne McDaniel pppppppppppppppppppppppppp319
Access to Civil Justice and Race, Class, and Gender Inequality
Rebecca L. Sandefur ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp339
How the Outside Gets In: Modeling Conversational Permeation
David R. Gibson ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp359
Testing and Social Stratification in American Education
Eric Grodsky, John Robert Warren, and Erika Felts pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp385
Social Networks and Health
Kirsten P. Smith and Nicholas A. Christakis ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp405
Sociology and World Regions
Gender in African Population Research: The Fertility/Reproductive
Health Example
F. Nii-Amoo Dodoo and Ashley E. Frost ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp431
Regional Institutions and Social Development in Southern Africa
Matthew McKeever ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp453
vi Contents
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by Princeton University Library on 08/27/08. For personal use only.
AR348-FM ARI 10 June 2008 11:22
Conditional Cash Transfers as Social Policy in Latin America:
An Assessment of their Contributions and Limitations [Translation]
Enrique Valencia Lomel´ı pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp475
Las Transferencias Monetarias Condicionadas como Política Social en
América Latina. Un Balance: Aportes, Límites y Debates
[Original, available online at
Enrique Valencia Lomelí pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp499
Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 25–34 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp525
Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 25–34 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp529
An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Sociology articles may be found at
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by Princeton University Library on 08/27/08. For personal use only.